Raised beds ready for planting!
Over the last two weeken I've been building raised gardening beds. If you're new to gardening (like me), it turns out that if you're not out freezing your butt off in the garden in January and February, you're already behind for spring and summer. After learning this, and wanting to plant my first plants for spring harvest, I got to work building some raised gardening beds.
Building these beds rom cutting the lumber to filling with dirt took me by myself 2 weekend days and cost about $200. Now that I've got my soil and compost in the beds, I'm ready to start planting peas, turnips, and carrots for an early spring harvest! I haven't planted them yet, but they'll be in the ground next weekend! I'm going to be using the square foot gardening method for these boxes, so I also measured off the box in 1'x1' squares.
First lavender plant in the ground.
And the first plants I planted, for the curious? Lavender and lemon balm, to repel the curious kitties it seems are visiting my garden. I was planning to grow everything from seed, but yesterday afternoon's kitty visit changed my mind!